The Shack by Wm Paul Young, has sold more than 19 million copies, and now you can see the movie. Why is this story about a spiritual journey so appealing?
As some of you know, The Shack is a fictionalized account of a middle-aged man (Mack) who is filled with hurt, suffering, and trauma. He then has a mind-blowing encounter with unspeakable, horrifying evil. He finds a spiritual path to healing at the scene of a run-down shack in the wilderness of Oregon, where his young daughter, Missy was taken and murdered by a serial killer.
On another level, this book might be a metaphor about all the prior history of emotional pain, suffering, rejections, depressions, abuse, and failures many of us hold on to in our own private or internal shack. The author gives us a hopeful message: no matter what painful wounds that can scar our heart, we can heal through the power of Divine Revelation. Maybe that is the key and main attraction of this story for countless fans and readers all over the world.
I am curious to find out what helps you heal or
overcome some of the traumatic experiences that this life apparently
presents to all of us. For me, I agree with many of the spiritual ideas
presented in The Shack. Let me review some of them briefly:
Mack received a written invitation from God (called Papa in the book)
to meet-up at the shack. I believe the Divine does talk to us, if we
listen to the "small, still voice" within us. It's been said, however,
that "many are called but few answer". What holds us back?
Click link for more Shack Discussion
Affordable spiritual counseling here
Peace, Light, Joy, and Love: Gary and Susan Eby, authors of Reflections: A Journey to God.